How tall is Sammi Giancola form Jersey Shore?
Samantha Giancola was born in Hazlet, NJ on March 14, 1987.
Age: 24
What race or ethnic background heritage?
Sammi Giancola height and weight?
How Much Does Sammi ‘Sweetheart’ Giancola Weight?
During season one of Jersey Shore Sammi was thought to weigh approximately 125 lbs, during the break she lost 15lbs which made her total weigh at about 110lbs (50kg)
How Tall Is Sammi ‘Sweetheart’ Giancola?
She is about 5’8″ or 5’9″ (172.5cm or 175.5cm)
What Are Sammi ‘Sweetheart’ Giancola’s Measurements?
What Is Sammi ‘Sweetheart’ Giancola’s Bra Size?